Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Heal, Short Film

Directed, Written, Shot and Edited by Briana La Trise

Heal is about a young man who is unsatisfied with his life and old wounds prevent him from making the changes he needs to be happy.

This was a class project for my Film Production 1 course. This project focuses on lighting and cinematic space. My second time shooting with a 16mm bolex film camera.
Starring Greg Papa/Crew memeber, Joe Borsuk and Amber Robertson

copyright 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Project Stills

My final project for my Film Production 1 class. Short film "Sweetie" shot on digital.
The project focused on editing and actors performance.
My third project for my Film Production 1 class. Short film "Heal" shot on 16mm
bolex. The project focused on lighting and "mise en scene" or the use of space to convey